Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Foods that I will miss.

I was inspired by someone else's list to do this. I'm not sure whether it will help me or make me sad, but here goes...

1. Mexican food, particularly cooking it.
2. Lentils
3. Hummus
4. Desserts
5. Curry of any type
6. Eating out
7. Falafal
8. Vegan pizza
9. Peanut butter
10. Just having a warm/hearty meal to eat at night :(
... Ok, now I am realizing I could go on and on with this list. Sheesh. Not easy to re-accustom yourself to new eating habits (though, of course, I've done it before when I went vegan, but I don't see vegan as much of a restriction..)

Obviously, it's a little hard right now just getting done with the second day. I think I've under-eaten both days, so I need to work on that. In part it's because our bananas are not ripe so I don't have a calorie dense fruit to eat. I've also been grazing today rather than eating large meals. I already think I've lost the couple of pounds I gained on the gorge week, and my period seemed to end sooner than normal, so that was nice. Hopefully tomorrow our bananas will ripen up or I will go to the store for ripe ones so that I can get in a meal of 8+ bananas. I don't really have much else to say now because I am so tired.

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