Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 1?

Today I am starting 811, officially.

What does that even mean, you ask?

Well, it's basically a lifestyle/diet that is based on the principles of what we (homo sapiens) are designed to eat (you can choose whether you want to say that's through evolution or "Garden of Eden" type creation.. ). We have the capacity and want to mostly eat lots of carbs.. Where do you get a good portion of carbs in nature? FRUIT! If you said grains, you could be right, but think about the fact that raw, whole, unrefined grains have absolutely no appeal to the senses and you may see what I mean. Specifically, you want to eat things exactly as you would in nature, no processing required. Raw, fresh, ripe, organic, whole foods.

So, it's lots and lots of fruit. Some tender greens like lettuce and spinach and a small amount of nuts and seeds are also included.

Anyway, it's supposed to be amazingly healthy when done right and I'd love to do it for the duration of my life if it turns out to be great. Why not, yeah?

I'm amazingly lazy and feel much much more energized when I am raw. Many people who know me think it's silly when I tell them that I am a lazy bum, due to the fact that I wrestled in high school, voluntarily cycled across the country, and work out relatively consistently, but honestly I have to force myself to work out. I have zero motivation to do anything but play on my computer and watch TV online most days. There, I admitted it ;-).

I will be trying really really hard to keep up logging my food in fitday so go have a look if you are curious.

In case you want to know, since people like to know things like this, I weigh about 133 lbs (after a week of gorging because the guy and I decided to eat like crap on out "last week" of cooked food.. plus I just started my period.. I've been a pretty consistent 128-130 previously) right now. I think I'm 5'2". My knees suck majorly and I often try to avoid biking and running when they are hurting (I guess I have arthritis or something? I don't know, never have gotten them looked at) and I am really hoping that my knees stop being bad. I have some zits on my lower back which it will be interesting to see if they clear up. I am attaching the only picture I could find that shows a decent amount of my body in it. Ha. As you can see, I tend to carry weight in my legs, butt, and arms (random, I know.. That would be weird if that changed!). I've never had much weight on my torso (tummy or chest!). I'm turning 24 in exactly 1 month (I always like to know raw foodist's ages), and I've been vegan since 2005 (which I found to be a very healthy diet, as well).

I don't really know what else to say and I have to run errends. Follow my journey!

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